Seasons may change...


I am so excited not only about the season of fall, but also the new chapter I am beginning.The Lord has shown Himself faithful in so many ways just this week. I am a blessed child of the Lord...I have amazing friends that I love, awesome school and great teachers giving God's word in love, sweet parents and the best of all... direct communication with my Abba Father. I love how we can call Him "daddy" !
When I think of a daddy, I see a man playing around with his child and holding on so tight making sure no one will harm them. My DADDY is so loving and GOOD. Sometimes more than most I forget how grand the Lord has made my life. We are heirs of all that He has. And yet we walk around as if Satan has taken that away and that we are nothing to God anymore because of our past sins. I am here to say that no longer do I want to be bound by the chains I have wrapped around my heart nor the enemies.
We have been set free..Thank you Lord.
Anyway. I have been comforted by the Lord's love this week and it has been so neat just giving Him all this baggage I so proudly yet shamefully carry around. But here is the time that I need to get down on my knees, give Him my all in all and watch the Lord time after time remove that thick layer of junk off of my shoulders.

"Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" Matt 11:28
Its so simple. And so hard. But so worth it.
Another thing this week I have learned is this verse...

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock." Isaiah 26:3-4
PERFECT PEACE>> sign me up. I want it.

The Lord is perfect in everyway and if my mind is glued to the beauty of Him than all my fears and junk is nothing compared to that perfect peace we are promised. For my God is a big God and is eternal.

Dear Abba Father,
Thank you so much for showing me more of who you are and more of how I want to be. God thank you for allowing me to take part in Your perfect peace. Lord, I ask that you would please remove all that is not of you out of my life and fill me with Your holy spirit and make me more like you. I love you Lord.
In Jesus Name,

:) Thanks for reading.kinda long.


Liz said...

sign me up for the perfect peace too! i want it! =]

Kimberly Mallard said...

Encouraging as always. I love and miss you too. It has been too long...